Glasgow Dyslexia Support Service
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Learners with dyslexia may need support with reading, this support will vary just as the needs of each child vary. School can advise you on where your child is in their reading journey to help you support them at the right level.

The journey to fluent reading has many steps. As well as learning about print and how text works, the learner has to get to grips with hearing, blending and identifying the spoken sounds of language. (see the section on phonological awareness) then with how letters and sounds match (see the phonics section).

As they progress they may make use of things like the meaning of a word in a sentence, punctuation, and context of words within the written text. For some learners these steps are sequential whilst for others they can all be going on at the same time.

Often, although not always, learners with dyslexia are not keen to read, our subsections give ideas on encouraging reading and hints to break reading in to easier tasks. 

Some learners with dyslexia may be fluent readers yet find novels too long / complicated to hold in memory. Poems and short stories can be useful and form part of the course content for SQA exams in English. If they do choose a novel encourage them to watch movie versions of the book to support memory and connections through the plot.

Don't despair if your child really can't take to reading at home - look for other ways to experience story telling and/ or factual information. .. watch movies and documentaries and seek other ways to access text.  These experiences will add to their vocabulary and general knowledge.