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Children often enjoy just looking through books. For a child to relax and enjoy the actual reading of the words then these need to be at a level they can read. It's important to get lots of practise at the right level. Once they're happy at that level they may enjoy the challenge of newer less familiar words - to improve their reading.
The Five Finger Rule is an easy way to check if a book is at the right level.
The Five Finger Rule
Have them select a book and read a random page.
For every word they don't know they hold up a finger.
0 to 1 finger too easy
2 to 3 fingers good choice
4 fingers worth a try
5 fingers too hard, maybe try it next time
If your learner is unhappy because the books they are able to read look too 'babyish' and the stories are just too young then you may want to look at books aimed at learners who struggle with reading. These broadly fall into three categories
1. Phonically decodable books - useful to practise identifying sounds from written letters and blending these to give words. Come at a range of levels, although again your learner may find some too babyish. Search on the internet or ask in school - they may have copies to lend you.
2. Books with adapted print face - clearer sometimes larger, print on an off white background. Available over a range of reading abilities and attempt to be age appropriate. The best known publisher of these is Barrington Stoke, most school libraries will have a range so ask in school.
3. Graphic Novels - many learners, with and without dyslexia, love graphic novels. May be a good way to encourage reading for pleasure. Some core titles in the curriculum, through to Higher English level, are available as graphic novels. A word of caution ... introducing graphic novels too early may not support the journey to becoming secure with phonics as learners may over rely on the pictures.
The Scottish Book Trust charity provided resources on reading. Their website provides a list of current books sorted by age and interests - a good source of ideas for reading aloud with children. |
Here is the link
Audio books and other accessibility choices are a valuable resource.