Glasgow Dyslexia Support Service
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Here we  share ideas and resources to improve the look and legibility of the learner’s handwriting, and the organisation and content of their written work. 

Where learners are at the early stages of developing knowledge of phonics and of writing, you may find our programme Shapes and Sounds useful. You can access this by clicking on the bold blue title.

From the drop down menu in this section you can select

Getting Ready - for those at an early stage in developing pencil control and mark making.

For children at an early stage in learning phonics,  letter formation/ handwriting is likely to be part of phonics lessons. If your child is on a phonics support programme in school, such as GDSS Getting Started , then their school may support you with resources to work on letter formation and writing. 

Improving Handwriting - for learners who are relatively secure in phonics, with good sound/ letter links,  and so with little need for handwriting within a phonics programme. Yet, they  still need or want to tidy up letter sizes, positions and formation.

Organising and Sequencing Writing - for learners who, although they have strengths in telling stories and sharing ideas orally, find it hard to get their ideas down on paper and to stay organised with the story in the right order.

General agreement exists that learners at a young age should be supported in developing handwriting, unless technology is an absolute need. All learners benefit from these chances to develop fine motor skills, through use of pens/ pencils.  As learners progress through school greater use is made of technology and developing their keyboard and ICT skills is always useful. 

Where handwriting continues to impact on a learner demonstrating learning and knowledge then alternatives can be considered – you will find information on this within the Accessibility section of this website. You may wish to discuss such arrangements with school. 

Helping your child with writing their own name and address is a valuable life-skill: even with technology available now there will still be times when they are asked to do this. Supporting  practise with this will give your child greater confidence.