Glasgow Dyslexia Support Service
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Getting Ready
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All activities that involve holding a pencil/ crayon/ pen and working with a level of control and accuracy will benefit your child - for example: tracing, dot to dot, adding detail to an existing drawing or copying an existing drawing.

Children develop at different rates. If your child is struggling with pencil control, and does not seem to be improving with greater practise, then  they may need support with their gross or fine motor skills, or both. You may also notice this as difficulties with tasks like threading, tying laces, using cutlery. You can ask in school for support in investigating this and with planning a programme of activities to help you develop their skills. 

NHSGCC Peadiatric Services offer a website which supports parents/ carers and children, amongst the resources on their website you can find:

Fine Motor Skills Activity Kit  this includes warm up exercises to try before attempting pencil control type activities, plus fun things to try to improve fine motor control.

In Hand Manipulation Programme -  'In-hand manipulation is the term that describes the ability to move a small object around within a single hand. It is an essential component of the development of fine motor control. Good fine motor control enables you to carry out such tasks as holding pencils, fastening small buttons, using cutlery and being able to tie your shoelaces.' (NHSGGC).  This downloadable PDF describes the three distinct movements required to develop in-hand manipulation skills and provides activities to improve these movements.

Hand Warm Up Exercises an abbrieviated version of information also in the Fine Motor Skills Activity Kit (link above).

Handwriting a general guidline for children with handwriting difficulties.

Handwriting Advice for Left Handers

Holding a Pencil

The NHSGGC Peadiatric website hosts a far wider range of resources which may be of support - you can access the landing page through this link: