Glasgow Dyslexia Support Service
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Syllable Sort
You are here: Syllables > 1. Hearing and Segmenting Syllables > Syllable Sort

Cutting /  Drawing / Sorting

Ask your child to cut out pictures from old magazines/ catalogues and sort them into categories by how many syllables they contain. You could forget the cutting and sticking and ask them to draw the item.


windmill, jumper, bottle, crossword: I hear 2 syllables           photograph, bicycle.. etc.


In the muffin tin above you can see the child has placed counters equal to the number of syllables on top of each word. Then the same little pictures have been used on a board to sort into groups by how many syllables.


You can also gather things from around the house for a game of SYLLABLE SORT - click on the clink for some ideas.


Toys in a Row

Help your child to line their soft toys/ characters in a row, by the number of syllables in their names.