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Set 2
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Word List Set 2 - sw tw ct ft nt pt nd nk mp

Can be used for games at home





swam swell swill swim swig swum swarm swept swift swing swirl sworn sword swung

swab swan swap swat swamp swarm

*a after w, qu & sw often is pronounced /o/


twas twig twill twin twit twang twerp twirl twist twix


act fact pact tact duct



daft raft heft left gift lift rift loft soft tuft craft draft graft shaft drift shift theft croft



ant pant rant tent went pent dent lent vent Kent tint lint mint hint hunt grant slant scant flint glint print splint



apt opt rapt kept wept tempt crept slept swept prompt sculpt script



and hand band land sand end send lend bend mend rend tend fend pond bond fond wind fund bland brand stand blend spend trend




bank sank tank rank yank lank Hank ink kink link mink pink rink sink wink conk honk sunk junk bunk hunk dunk blank clank flank plank spank crank drank frank prank flunk blink clink slink brink drink plunk slunk skunk stink stunk chunk drunk trunk shrank shrink shrunk thank think 



amp camp damp lamp ramp imp limp pomp romp bump dump jump lump pump rump clamp cramp clomp clump slump stamp stomp tramp trump