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3.3 Writing Sentences 3
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Writing Sentences 3 will bring together all of the skills we have been learning.  The sentences we will be writing explore the choices we have been exploring.

Our sentences build into a story called A Gap in the Fence’.  We will start with a reminder of the choices we will be making as we write the sentences.

You may prefer to work on one screen at a time: there are four in this story.  Listen to each sentence, or part of a sentence, as many times as you need.  Either rewind, or pause the video and ask someone else to say the sentence to you.  It can take a long time to build up a memory for spoken words, so please do not be concerned about needing to listen several times.

The punctuation and choices that are needed will be discussed as the sentence is demonstrated.  

You could also ask someone else to read the sentences in the story to you as an additional dictation exercise.  If you are using a keyboard for your extra practice, you might like to make some changes to the story.  There is an example you will hear as the story is read.  You will not need to worry about including letters or words we haven’t introduced yet because you will be typing. Enjoy creating your edited story.