Glasgow Dyslexia Support Service
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Spellcheckers and typing
You are here: Spelling > Spellcheckers and typing

Some of our movies show the use of technology to support spelling. A wide range exists, we have kept it at a level that can be easily accessed and that supports what is available in school.

A good source of information is CALL Scotland  This site gives information on selecting a spell checker. If you don't have one installed, including more advanced spell checkers and word prediction software.

We recommend starting with the simplest level of spell checker to encourage the learner to work on their own skills, rather than opting for word prediction which requires a high reading level to ensure words are selected in context.

The link below takes you to a clip demonstrating how spellchecker can be combined with syllable work to support spelling. This also shows you how to access Office through your school glow account - so you have access to Word, Powerpoint  etc.


Spell checkers can be used by all learners to prepare folio work for submission for SQA qualifications. Spell checkers can be used in exams providing an SQA accommodation arrangement is deemed appropriate and is put in place; school can guide you with this.

You may also find these links useful


Doorway on line https:

Dance Mat and Doorway On Line offer typing practise to reinforce letter names/ sounds and to develop touch typing skills. doorway also has a literacy section with spelling exercises which may help  identify targets for learners.

Please take a look at our other sub sections for further support.